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Saturday, December 04, 2004

Ohio vs. North Carolina

Today I saw a license plate from Ohio. In addition to the numbers and letters and word "Ohio" that you might expect on an Ohio license plate, it said "Birthplace of Aviation."

What the hell does that mean? The first flight occurred in Kitty Hawk, NC piloted by those lovable bros Orville and Wilbur. North Carolina also touts the slogan "First in Flight" to drive that point home.

So the question must be asked, what is Ohio talking about? Isn't aviation tantamount to flying? Did the first jet take flight in Ohio? Is the aviation industry centered in Ohio? What's going on?

And who settles this? The answer has gotta be Sugar Ray's own Mark McGrath. Flying was never so important to anyone. He, literally, just wanted to fly and he wrote a whole song about it, made a new version of the song with an unintelligible reggae dude yelling in the background and made like a billion dollars doing it.

I think he'd side with Ohio though. I never thought he was too bright. Let's be honest; look at the lyrics:

"All around the world statues crumble for me
Who knows how long I've loved you.
Everywhere I go people stop and they say
Twenty-five years old, my mother God rest her soul.
I just want to fly."


No one has ever come over to me and told me my age. Apparently, everyone's doing this to Mark. Everyone. That's a lot of people. Also, this tends to remind him of his dead mother. Oh, and he likes flying.


By the way, why did Sugar Ray stop making music? Weren't they really popular? Wasn't Mark McGrath really handsome? What happened there? Do you think Sugar Ray Leonard could win a fight against the whole band of Sugar Ray?

There's only one person who can settle this... Voltron. Why? Because he's a giant robot made up of smaller robots. That's just awesome. I doubt that there is anything robots made of smaller robots can't do.

Also, Voltron could fly.


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