blocking out

circular illogic

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The Birth of a Blog

The title of this blog may not exactly have you in disbelief.

I think I read somewhere that every minute over forty blogs are begun worldwide. That's over 28,800 blogs per day, a figure that makes my initial lie about forty per minute all the more obvious. Regardless, these things have been around for like fifty years, by Internet standards, and I'm just happy to be jumping on any wagon at all, regardless of my timing.

The first question you might ask yourself while reading this blog forum is, "Why have you titled it 'blocking out?' What the hell is blocking out, a pun or something? Do you think you're clever, Mr. Block?"

"I'll tell you; kinda; yes," would be my response.

Obviously, with a last name that serves as an English noun and verb, I had to take advantage. Not to do so would be a waste of years of enduring negative pun-based attacked in the form of being called a "blockhead" as a kid., that was Charlie Brown... whose head was round.

Blocking out, though, is also what every blogmaster worth his weight in geldings has to do in order to write a good blog, "block out" time. But yes, I do realize that it also brings up visions of rocking out and/or blacking out. Subsequently, these latter two activities will likely play a major role in my future posts.

Lastly, I think of myself as the cleverest person I know... so yes, yes I think I'm clever, despite the hard evidence to the contrary in the previous paragraphs of subpar humor. You, the reader, are going to have to get used to my arrogance and learn to accept it as overcompensation by a guy with self-esteem issues and really good hair.

So, the blog is born and it's almost as big a success as was my mustache. Thanks for reading.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Wendy, Amy and Rebecca Say Blogs Are Cool

I'm going to try to keep a regular blog going at all times. By this, I mean that I'm going to post regularly for like a week and probably never post again.

Anyway, I think this Myspace thing is totally crayo. It actually let me make Ben Davis a friend, although he still has to accept (knock on wood). If he doesn't accept, then this whole thing is bad news bears and I want out.

I set up this account because I wanted to buy a record from this guy I heard with Wendy, Amy and Rebecca last night named Ofer. I just got his album from iTunes and I'm pretty satisfied with having figured all this stuff out on my own with only minimal help from Wendy. More on this later.

By the way, check out Ofer Moses' music. It's good. Also, check out Wendy Wang and Ben Davis' music too; they rock out like giant rock monsters with huge guitars and what-not and playing out of huge giant rock monster amps made of rock (but with all the electrical stuff that makes amps work on the inside). I think a good name for a giant rock monster would be Gordon.

Additionally, I want to address an issue that probably needs no addressing because no one will likely read this: my email. My current email is, but I never use this. I changed it to, which I use all the time.

You may remember Sir Isaac Lime as the most delicious flavor of Otter Pops. That is, unless you were a Louie-Bloo Raspberry or Pancho Punch fan. Let's be honest though, Louie-Bloo was French, so he probably didn't like you if you were American, and Pancho Punch had no sense of style. Sir Isaac was the brains of the outfit and was probably the mastermind behind the Flav-R-Ice takeover that ruined the individuality of Otter Pops but probably made millionaires of all the otters that now live in huge otter mansions or whatever the hell otters live in.

All I know for sure is that Little Orphan Orange is psyched not to live at the otter orphanage anymore.

So, I was supposed to see Ronnie Pinsky from "Salute Your Shorts" and his band play last night. That would have been a dream come true for me, as I am the biggest SYS fan of all time. I challenge anyone to beat me in a battle of trivia regarding any aspect of the show. I think my favorite part of the show was how Pinsky eventually replaced Michael altogether. That kid was lame and was lame-ing up the name "Michael" for dudes like me. He was equally terrible to mediocre, zero-dimensional characters like Stephanie from "Full House" and Alanis Morisette from "You Can't Do That on Television."

Anyway, Pinsky didn't show, but the dude who played instead, Ofer, was great, so it worked out.

Whenever people talk about SYS, they almost inevitably bring up "Hey Dude" where things were "a little wild and a little strange," or so the theme song would have you believe. Amy did this last night. Truth be told, the only "wild" thing on the show was the fact that they tried to replace Ted with a watered-down but more handsome version of Ted named Kyle.

That was, by the way, when "Hey Dude" totally jumped the shark.

The only "strange" thing was how Ted was in love with Brad who was meaner and uglier than Melody, the lifeguard turned Ben Stiller's wife. My point is that I think it's nutso that people associate the two shows simply because they were both awesome Nickelodeon programs with killer theme songs aimed at similar demographics. Wow, I guess they really should be associated...

Maybe I'm nutso.

So, anyway, I wanted to dedicate this blog to Wendy, Amy and Rebecca with whom I had a terrific night of pumpkin shake-hunting, tomato shortage-fighting and rocking and rolling at the clubs of LA. Thanks to Wendy for being inspiring all the time; thanks to Amy for saying that I'm one of the smartest people she knows; thanks to Rebecca for telling me to do a blog and for being nice to a kid she hardly knew who looks remotely like a B-list celebrity's husband.

Hooray for inside jokes!

...and water slides. Water slides are way fun. Hooray for them.